Lego Therapy

Belinda Webster Lego Therapy

What is LEGO® Based Therapy?

LEGO® Based Therapy is used to support children who experience a range of communication and social developmental challenges and is proven to be an effective therapy intervention for both autistic children and children with other neurodevelopmental conditions and children who experience and / or are diagnosed with anxiety disorders, phobias, adjustment disorders, ADHD and depression.

Who is LEGO® Based Therapy for?

Suitable for ages 5 – 17 years

How does LEGO® Based Therapy work?

LEGO® Based Therapy is a group program that consists of 3 participants. Participants are required to work together to complete a LEGO® build. They each take a turn as an engineer, supplier and builder. Lastly, the group can get creative while building a free-style creation.